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Parul Mehrotra

I come from a mixed scientific background.  Having traversed  multiple research themes from infections to aging to cell death, I have discovered that my one true love is metabolism of immune cells. So, if the topic excites you, join the team!!

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Meet the PI

Research Experience

Dec 2009-Dec 2014

ICGEB, New Delhi

Understanding host metabolic perturbations in M.tuberculosis infections: During my PhD I carried out pioneering work to dissect the metabolic flux alterations brought about in host macrophages after M.tb infection. We were surprised to observe that the bacteria manifest it’s virulence by perturbing just a few choke points in the host metabolic network to suppress anti-bacterial host responses such as apoptotic cell death. Further, with a unique set of metabolic experiments we demonstrated the critical role played by a couple of host mitochondrial solute carrier family proteins in aiding M.tb. survival.


Oct 2015- Apr 2017

Post doctoral fellow
MPI-Age, Germany

1) Worked towards exploring how nucleolar size,  governed by the highly conserved axis of Ncl-1 and Fibrillarin-1, impacts infection resistance in C.elegans and mammalian cells.

2) Explored the role played by SLC family of proteins in aging biology.

June 2017- March 2023

Postdoctoal Fellow

VIB, Belgium

Live cells are in a constant state of communication with their tissue neighborhood. However, whether dying cells do the same was the question I addressed during my post doc at VIB, Belgium. We uncovered prolific metabolite (&non-metabolite) based communication between both apoptotic and non-apoptotic cell death modalities with their neighborhood. These communication channels lead to rapid modification of the behaviors of the neighboring tissue, leading to rapid tissue remodelling, anti-inflammatory signalling and wound healing.


Saumya Jaiswal


M.Sc in Life Sciences from J.N.U, Saumya is PhD student focused on solving the mysteries of clearance in M.tb infections. 


Shuruti Sood


M.Sc in Microbiology from D.U., Shuruti is a PhD student focused on understanding the protein networks at play post cell clearance.

Immunometabolism Lab

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